Happy New Year from the r//evolution team

It doesn’t seem like five minutes since we were introducing you to the marketing trends we thought you should be paying attention to in 2016 yet here we are, nearing the end of the first week of January 2017!

We’d like to start this blog with a quick look back at the year we’ve just left behind. 2016 was a very busy year which we spent winning a number of new contracts including RSPB Saltholme, Distance Learning College and The Institute of Supply Chain Management.

It was also the year that we said hello to several new members of the team, growing our headcount to 13 with plans to increase the team further.

In November, we were awarded silver at the PRide Awards for our work helping to launch late night opening in Durham City. We were thrilled to have our efforts acknowledged by our industry peers and had a great night celebrating our win!

Finally we rounded off the year by asking for your help to support three very worthy charities, Children North East, Action Foundation and Willowburn Hospice. More than 1,000 people chose the cause they would like to receive a donation and each of the charities will receive a donation which we are sure will be put to good use.

But now, it’s time to look forward to the year ahead…

Having spent the last few days catching up with our lovely clients and discussing their plans for the coming months, we have a feeling that 2017 is going to be a very exciting one.

Our clients have some big plans for the year ahead and we can’t wait to be a part of them be it through launching new websites, designing new brands or securing coverage in the regional and national press.

If you’re looking for a new approach to your marketing for the New Year, get in touch to find out how we can transform your current marketing and help make 2017 an even bigger success.

Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on January 6, 2017