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Gill Burgess

Gill Burgess

Recent Posts

Grow your Business with r//evolution and NBSL Funding

If you own a business which is based in Northumberland, County Durham or Tyne and Wear and are looking for help with your marketing or web design and development funding is available to help you achieve your goals.

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on March 22, 2017

Our Work with Ali Hutchinson

Ali Hutchinson, an Arbonne Independent Consultant and blogger is passionate about clean eating, fitness, nutrition and wellbeing and wants to support others on their healthy living journey to achieve amazing results.

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Tags: Design, Development, Digital, Communications

Posted by Gill Burgess
on March 15, 2017

Happy New Year from the r//evolution team

It doesn’t seem like five minutes since we were introducing you to the marketing trends we thought you should be paying attention to in 2016 yet here we are, nearing the end of the first week of January 2017!

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on January 6, 2017

Introducing three new faces at r//evolution

It has been a year of growth here at r//evolution – your friendly full service brand communications agency. Following a series of new contract wins across all departments, we're thrilled to welcome three new recruits to the team; Anna Graham, Steph Chalmers and Byren Atkinson.

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on December 8, 2016

Fantastic r//esults at the Pride Awards

Did you hear the great news?! r//evolution has picked up an amazing three awards at the 2015 CIPR North East PRide awards!

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on December 11, 2015

What characteristics do successful brands share?

Firstly let’s look at what exactly a brand is… Many of us think of a brand as a logo, but actually it’s far more than this. It’s all the things a customer thinks about when he/she hears your brand name. We like Lisa Buyer’s definition that “Branding is more than a name and symbol. A brand is...

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on March 4, 2015

Bursting with Pride...

They say December is the party season, after all, it is filled with festive fun. But last week, the r//evolution team had another reason to celebrate…

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Tags: r//evolution

Posted by Gill Burgess
on December 8, 2014

Automated Marketing - Saving time enhancing conversion

There was once a time when marketers thought quantity and quality could not comfortably sit side by side in a good strategy - those days are gone. Good marketing automation is not easy to achieve but with the right strategy, it is possible.

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Tags: Online Marketing, Communications

Posted by Gill Burgess
on October 8, 2014