Maximising existing revenue streams is an important part of meeting revenue targets, especially when many businesses are losing out on what had previously been promising business leads due to Covid-19.
As many brands scale back their customer service efforts to accommodate Covid-19 measures, as we enter a new year and customers need assurance, how can you provide better customer service than ever?
Tags: Inbound Marketing, Business Growth, automation, customer service
It’s small consolation but, even at the beginning of the year, none of us saw the impact Coronavirus would have on our businesses.
Tags: Inbound Marketing, Online Marketing, Communications, Marketing, Business Growth, covid 19, coronavirus
Inbound marketing is all about attracting new users by publishing useful, engaging content. In contrast to outbound marketing, which uses interruptive techniques, inbound seeks to provide users with content that is timely and relevant to them.
Tags: Inbound Marketing
Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, shaped by market research and in-depth analysis. They provide a full picture of your target audience, clarifying their demographics, behaviours, needs, challenges and preferences. Creating a suite of buyer personas can prove a...
Tags: Inbound Marketing
If you are looking to scale up your business as opposed to simply growing it (if you’re not sure on the difference take a look at our recent blog on the subject of scaling vs growth) then customer engagement can play a vital role.
Tags: Inbound Marketing, Online Marketing, Lead Generation, scale up, Business Growth
From answering customer queries, arranging appointments and demonstrations to aftersales, interaction with your customers is a key part of any business – and the variety of ways to do so has never been greater.
Tags: Inbound Marketing, Marketing, scale up, Business Growth
Are you looking to increase qualified leads and drive business growth? Inbound marketing may just be the answer.
Tags: Inbound Marketing
Although marketing automation is a concept we’ve touched on in previous blogs, understanding the difference between this and the tactics of sales enablement - and more importantly, how the two support one another - can lead to a significant boost in your online traffic.
Tags: Inbound Marketing, scale up, Business Growth
The transition from growth to scale begins with understanding the fundamental difference between the two.
Tags: Inbound Marketing, Marketing, scale up, Business Growth